2021 01-22
当建筑师安藤忠雄Tadao Ando怀着虔诚的心走进偶像勒·柯布西耶Le Corbusier所设计的朗香教堂La Chapelle de Ronchamp时,大师作品所传递出的空间表现力震慑到了安藤,从此坚定了安藤忠雄的建筑之路。这便是空间所构筑出的情绪对于人行为的影响。高志强带领AFFD设计事务所,从探讨空间设计影响使用者的情绪和行为模式作为发力点,让空间情绪影响使用者的行为和体验。“There came upon me was the bursting light with violence from all directions, smacking my body.” When architect Tadao Ando approached the La Chapelle de Ronchamp with devoutly humble, designed by his idol Le Corbusier, he was awestruck and inspired by the bright red, green and yellow light spots piercing through the windows, like countless messy fists from all directions towards him, which firmly strengthen Tadao Ando’s way of architectural design from then on. We believe this is the influence of emotions created by space on human behavior, and also environmental psychology permeates all the aspects of our life. AFFD design, led by GAO Zhiqiang explores the influence of the space design on user’s emotions and behavior patterns, and makes the space scene trigger people's emotions gradually.